
BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infection is the colonization and microbial replication along the urinary tract, it is a frequent cause for seeking medical attention. Its clinical presentation is often nonspecific and represents a risk of permanent kidney damage, which is higher as younger is the patient. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of known risk factors for urinary tract infection in hospitalized patients under the age of 5 years and older than a month of age. METhODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 68 patients with diagnosis of urinary tract infection (confirmed by urine culture), hospitalized at the Pediatrics department of Hospital Hu-manitario Pablo Jaramillo from January 2014 to December 2015. We measured the prevalence of the known risk factors for urinary tract infection. Data was collected in a form with the information obtained from the medical records and analyzed in SPSS V 20. Possible associations between the variables was evaluated with the Chi square test. RESUlTS: 67.6% of the sample were women and 32.4% were men. The age group with the highest prevalence of UTI was the group under 12 months (80.9%), with a higher frequency in females in all age groups. Among the risk factors, the maternal background of urinary infection represented 13.3%. Ve-sico-ureteral reflux represented 7.2% and hydronephrosis 8.8%. Phimosis was predominant in children under 12 months (11.7% of the total sample). The prolonged use of the diaper corresponded to 36.7 %. 5.9% of the patients with UTI presented constipation. CONClUSiON: UTIs are a frequent infectious disease in children under 5, with different distribution ac-cording to age and sex. The age group more frequently affected was the group under 12 months of age, and it was higher on women. Prolonged used of diaper (higher than 8 hours) was the most frequent risk factor in this study, and we found statistical significant association between this two variables. KEyWORDS: URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS, RISK FACTORS, CHILD, HOSPITALIZED, HYDRONEPHROSIS, PHYMOSIS, DIAPERS.

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