
Abstract: An accession of auxinic herbicide-resistant yellow starthistle found near Dayton, WA, was tested to evaluate cross-resistance to growth regulator herbicides and susceptibility to herbicides with different modes of action. Picloram at 0.43 kg ae/ha removed susceptible (S) yellow starthistle plants from a field plot, and surviving resistant (R) plants were dug and moved to the greenhouse. Known S plants were transplanted from a pasture near the R population. The R biotype was reconfirmed as resistant to picloram in greenhouse tests, with resistance ratios of 5.6 and 3.8 for vegetative and reproductive biomass, respectively, and 10.2 for LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of the treated population) data. The R biotype was also cross-resistant to clopyralid and dicamba in all responses and to 2,4-D and triclopyr in vegetative biomass and LD50 data. In field trials, eight herbicides were applied alone and in various combinations with and without addition of picloram. The yellow starthistle population was appa...

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