
Summary Two‐week‐old chickens were vaccinated intra‐nasally with a live infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccine (H120). On days 4, 7, 11 and 14 post‐vaccination (p.v.) spleen mononuclear cells (MNC) prepared from control and vaccinated chickens were stimulated in vitro with homologous (strain M41) and heterologous (strains 7 and 793/B) virus antigens. Antigen‐specific lymphoproliferation and interleukin‐2 (IL‐2) and interferon‐y (IFN) production were used to measure cross‐reactive cell mediated immune responses. In antigen‐specific lymphoproliferation assays, it was found that while 4/16 vaccinated birds responded to the homologous antigen, only one responded to an heterologous antigen (strain 7). However, IL‐2 production was seen in the supernatants of spleen MNC from vaccinated chickens stimulated with all three antigens. Production of IFN was also demonstrated in samples stimulated with the homologous and one heterologous (strain 7) antigen. Thus it appears that, following vaccination of chickens with live IBV vaccine, cross‐reactive cellular immune responses occur that vary in magnitude with the strain of IBV used for in vitro stimulation.

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