
In this paper, a novel algorithm, Cross Low-dimension Pursuit, based on a new structured sparse matrix, Permuted Block Diagonal (PBD) matrix, is proposed in order to recover sparse signals from incomplete linear measurements. The main idea of the proposed method is using the PBD matrix to convert a high-dimension sparse recovery problem into two (or more) groups of highly low-dimension problems and crossly recover the entries of the original signal from them in an iterative way. By sampling a sufficiently sparse signal with a PBD matrix, the proposed algorithm can recover it efficiently. It has the following advantages over conventional algorithms: (1) low complexity, i.e., the algorithm has linear complexity, which is much lower than that of existing algorithms including greedy algorithms such as Orthogonal Matching Pursuit and (2) high recovery ability, i.e., the proposed algorithm can recover much less sparse signals than even l1-norm minimization algorithms. Moreover, we demonstrate both theoretically and empirically that the proposed algorithm can reliably recover a sparse signal from highly incomplete measurements.

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