
Cross-linking, also called tanning, improves mechanical properties of leather and also increases its enzymatic and thermal stability. As a final product, leather has an ultimate tensile strength (σ) of 8–25 MPa and an elongation at break (ε) of >30 %. Mycelium-based materials are a sustainable alternative to leather. Here, the effect of cross-linkers was assessed on mechanical properties of Schizophyllum commune mycelium sheets. To this end, glutaraldehyde and N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide (EDC) were used as well as extracts of Ligustrum vulgare leaves, and bark of Acacia mearnsii and Caesalpinia spinosa. Untanned sheets had a σ of 7.8 MPa and an ε of 15.2 %, while the best overall combination of strength and elasticity was obtained with 0.1 % glutaraldehyde with a σ of 11.1 MPa and an ε of 14.6 %. Cross-linking also increased enzymatic stability and reduced mycelial water absorption but did not result in increased thermal stability. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 1D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and amino acid analysis showed that glutaraldehyde bound both protein amino groups and polysaccharide hydroxyl groups by forming Schiff bases and acetals, respectively. Together, synthetic and vegetable cross-linkers can be used to obtain mycelium materials with leather-like tensile strength.

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