
In abounding applications underwater sensor networks has become a accepted analysis area. Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) accept some apparent characteristics which acquaint abounding challenges. Due to abridgement of sunlight and asperous altitude of underwater ambiance it is actual difficult to change batteries in underwater sensor networks. Aswell in UASNs generally the manual ambit appropriate is added analyze to earthbound sensor networks as UASNs are actual dispersed which aswell after-effects in added activity consumption. Encouraged by the acceptation of activity burning in UASNs, we accordingly adduce a cross layer activity enhancement access in which routing layer is acquiesce to assassinate ability administration accompanied by MAC layer and physical layer in underwater acoustic sensor networks, demography the different characteristics of underwater average into consideration, such as advancement of nodes, advancement accident and low bandwidth available. First, the accomplished arrangement is advised as 3D cube. The locations of nodes are predicted at physical layer. At physical layer we aswell account the propagation loss. We account the manual activity and accepting activity at MAC band and finally, the acquisition algorithm is formulated at routing layer. We analysis out our proposed access with account to all-embracing activity burning by capricious node density, and amount of asleep nodes and compared the proposed arrangement with absolute MEWR protocol.

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