
Protists in general comprise about one-third of the parasitic species infecting arthropod vectors, the role of free-living and epibiotic ciliates on mosquitoes have been insufficiently studied either due to their low pathogenicity or facultative parasites. Studies have shown that exposure of Paramecium ciliate protists, like Vorticella species, to first instar Culex nigripalpus Theobald, larvae delayed larval development and reduced biomass of emerged adults due to competition for food sources like bacteria and other microbes essential to mosquito growth and survival. Thus, we report on the capacity of a Vorticella sp. protist’s ability to cross-infect host species and parasitize multiple mosquito larvae. The unique adapted behavior with the ability to remain on the exuviae in tree hole habitats provide a novel delivery system to develop products for target species-specific mosquitocides, larvicides, or viricides to be applied and sustained in aquatic systems.

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