
The position of Australian accessions of wild mungbean (Vigna radiata ssp. sublobata) in the Asiatic Vigna gene pool was examined by assessing their cross fertility with the green gram cultigen (Vigna radiata ssp. radiata) and black gram (Vigna mungo). No difficulties were encountered in obtaining F 1 and backcross seed in crosses with green gram. The hybrid progenies were vegetatively vigorous and fully fertile. Inheritance of traits appeared normal and, where direct comparisons were possible, consistent with crosses within the cultigen. Inheritance of a new seed mottling gene is presented and several linked traits were found. Crosses with black gram proved difficult to achieve, and the resulting hybrid seed showed varying degrees of viability. Individuals that germinated were weak, and if they survived to flower, possessed low pollen fertility and poor seed set. It was concluded that indigenous Australian accessions of wild mungbean belong to the primary gene pool of Vigna radiata.

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