
Fill tubes are used to inject deuterium and tritium fuel into inertial confinement fusion capsules fielded on the National Ignition Facility. These fill tubes have been shown to have a detrimental effect on capsule performance, primarily by introducing a low-density pathway into the central fuel region that enables the jetting of ablation material into the hot spot. Due to the complexity of the highly nonlinear flow associated with the fill tube and the challenge of diagnosing the evolution of the fill tube jet late in the implosion experiments, the uncertainty in how this perturbation source evolves is great. Here, we report on the results of a detailed code comparison performed to understand uncertainties in computational modeling of the impact of fill tubes on implosion performance. The study employed two radiation-hydrodynamics codes, HYDRA and xRAGE, which employ very different meshing strategies and hydrodynamics solvers, as well as two radiation transport methodologies, discrete ordinates and multi-group diffusion. Our results demonstrate generally good agreement between codes through most of the implosion although they indicate sensitivity to opacity averaging methods. Late in the implosion, differences arise in the distribution and amount of contaminant although these differences have a remarkably small impact on the amount of yield reduction due to the fill tube. While these results demonstrate sensitivity in fill tube modeling to algorithmic choices, the observed differences between codes are small relative to known sensitivities due to expected variations in the fill tube geometry. Finally, we have developed a methodology for performing multi-group diffusion simulations that show good agreement with the more accurate discrete ordinates method.

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