
The cloud computing service provider ensures the security of their services by username/password schemes. Such type of scheme may be suitable for small personalized services but not for the large scale organizations where employees may require to login for more than one application related to various clouds. This paper identifies the issues of multiple logins and presents how multiple applications of various clouds are accessed by single login process securely. Single Sign-On is the mechanism where a user only need to authenticate him/her self once, then has the ability to access other protected resources without having to re-authenticate. Our objective is to design the single sign on architecture for more than one cloud’s applications. Due to that client log in only one time at time and automatically user login in remaining cloud applications and assess successful same process is for log out only user logout once then user logout properly from the all of the cloud applications. The login audits are done for the security purpose and its controlling by admin panel. Cloud service providers also neither need to support redundant registration process for new accounts of applications nor dealing with enormous databases for same user of multiple applications and managing multiple authentication credentials is annoying for users and as well as for authentication system. In other words, Single sign-on (SSO) is the mechanism whereby a single action of user authentication and authorization can permit a user to access all computers and systems where that user has access permission, without the need to enter multiple passwords.

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