
Oceans, seas, and coastal areas are indispensable component of the Earth‟s ecosystem and are critical to sustainable development. Protecting the delicate ecosystem of our oceans is vital for the future of the humanity under rapidly increasing use and industrialization of the oceans of the world. Increasing demands and pressures for the use of marine areas have forced managements to deal with problems in a comprehensive and covering multi users‟ approach. Joint education and research help to raise awareness on environmental challenges and also helps improving common expertise and capabilities in marine-related management, science, technology and engineering. Environmental protection is one of the key unifying problems for cross border cooperation. For example, the problem caused by invasive marine species (IMS) introduced via shipping is one of the largest problems and requires strong cooperation among governments and across sectors. IMS is transferred mainly through ships‟ ballast water and as fouling organisms. It is a large-scale problem which needs serious and urgent measures to be tackled with. Marine environment is not limited by country borders therefore it is fundamental to establish sustainable forms of cross-border cooperation. This paper intends to explain the novel approach of a strategic partnership project „‟BLUE4SEAS (B4S)‟‟on marine pollution and environment protection based on various joint research initiatives of project partners to set an example for cross- border cooperation for sustainable environment protection.

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