
* Preface and Acknowledgments * Abbreviations * Chapter 1. Introduction * Human Population Growth * Environmental Changes * and Food Supply * Population, Crop Yield, and Crop Production * Summary * Chapter 2. Methods of Studying Effects of Environmental Change on * Correlations Between Observed Yield and Historical Patterns of Environmental Variation and Change * Experimental Control of Environmental Conditions * Methods for Salinity Studies * Summary * Chapter 3. Cellular Responses to the Environment * Membrane Structure and Function * Enzymes * Cellular Mechanisms of Stress Resistance * The Role of Calcium in Stress Responses * Specificity, Cross-Talk, and Cross-Tolerance * Summary * Chapter 4. Water Relations * The Future of Fresh Water Resources * Effects of Climate Change on Global Hydrology * Excess Precipitation * Drought * Water Uptake, Transport in Xylem, and Transpiration * The Plant Surface * Roots and Hydraulic Conductance * The Crop Canopy * Environmental Changes * Summary * Chapter 5. Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Biosynthesis * Photosynthesis * Effects of Environmental Conditions and Changes on Photosynthesis * Respiration * Effects of Environmental Conditions and Changes on Respiration * Biosynthesis * Summary * Chapter 6. Partitioning of Photosynthate * Source and Sink * Harvest Index * Methods for Studying Partitioning * Carbon Partitioning Within Source Leaves * Phloem Loading, Transport, and Unloading * Regulation of Whole Plant Carbon Partitioning * Environmental Changes * Summary * Chapter 7. Mineral Nutrition * Nutrient Passage from Soil to Root and Beyond * Regulation of Ion Uptake * Kinetics of Nutrient Uptake * Environmental Changes * Summary * Chapter 8. Vegetative Growth and Development * Growth Patterns * Meristems, Organs, and Development * Shoots * Roots * Developmental Stages * Environmental Changes * Summary * Chapter 9. Sexual Reproduction, Grain Yield, and Grain Quality * Sexually Reproductive Development * Yield Components and Variation * Environmental Changes * Interactive Effects of Environmental Changes on Yield * Summary * Chapter 10. The Biotic Environment * Weeds * Insect Pests and Diseases * Symbiotic Relationships with Soil Organisms * Multiple Environmental Changes and Implications for Biotic Interactions * Summary * Appendix A: List of Plant Species * Appendix B: Definition of U.S. Principal Crops * References * Index

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