
The main purpose of this research paper is to examine the cropping, production and yield pattern of selected crop in the Solapur district. This Research paper is based on secondary data and Relevant statistical data were collected from various government source. Among the food grain Jawar crop occupied highest area followed by wheat crop. In case of non-food grain crops the position of total oil seed crops showed that of the total gross cropped area 3.54 percent area was brought under these crops. According to output pattern in the study are of the total cereals, output of Jawar was commanding and next came maize. In the Solapur yields of Groundnut (1639.66 kg) maize (1281 kg), wheat (1181.67 kg) and Jawar (1065.33 kg) found in study area. Among the food grain crops, maize has occupied first rank in the District Per hector and then come the Wheat. Moreover, it was observed that during study, rice, Bajara, Jawar and wheat have shown negative change. While remaining all the crops have showed the positive change in the District. The yield of food grains crops increased by 17.13, where the growth in yield of cereals was 17.73 percent.

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