
In the field agrochemical experiment, the potential of crop productivity and the balance of nutrition elements in the grain–steam crop rotation with alternating crops of steam–wheat–oats–oats per grain crop under conditions of increased aridization of the climate of the dry-steppe zone of Buryatia were investigated. It was revealed that the main application of N40P40 for grain crops and N40P40K40 for fodder (oats for grain planting) was the most effective among the mineral options and equal in effect and aftereffect to the application of manure 40 t/ha and organo-mineral fertilizer manure 10 t/ha + N50P25K60. A deficiency-free nitrogen balance was obtained when manure was applied at a dose of 11 t/ha of crop rotation area. The use of the recommended dose of mineral nitrogen fertilizers of 30 kg/ha did not compensate for nitrogen losses, its deficit was 12 kg/ha per year. A positive phosphorus balance was obtained when applying phosphorus fertilizers at a dose of 33 kg/ha, as well as the effects and aftereffects of manure 11 t/ha. The potash regime of soils in the experiment was the most deficient, the use of potash fertilizers (30 kg/ha of arable crop rotation), organic and organo-mineral fertilizers could not compensate for the loss of potassium in crop rotation.

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