
The system provides a crop suggestion system which suggests the farmer the most profitable crop they can grow with the available resources, weather condition and market demand. This will be achieved with the help of data provided by the government and other sources. Smart farming also known as precision farming is the implementation of IoT in agriculture with the help of IoT devices, cloud internet and further analysis of data collected for precision farming. Through this system a farmer will be notified time to time about the condition of soil through analysing various parameters in soil like humidity, pH and temperature of the surrounding. With the help of humidity sensor and soil moisture sensor the condition of soil will be monitored and based on the condition, irrigation will be supplied automatically. This will reduce the wastage of water in irrigation and the crops will get precise amount of water supply. We will be using drip irrigation which is an efficient way of irrigation for orchard crops, vegetables, cash crops, flowers, spices, oil seed, forest crops. Integrating the efficient irrigation technique and automating it for precise irrigation will help to maintain the crop health with efficient use of resources. Adding to the irrigation system we also analysed the past crop production, state wise data for predicting the production and profitability of individual crop and suggest them to the farmer so that it will be profitable to farmers.

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