
Weather extremes like droughts and heat waves are becoming increasingly frequent worldwide, with severe consequences for agricultural production and food security. Although the effects of such events on the production of major crops is well-documented, the response of a larger pool of crops is unknown and the potential of crop diversity to buffer agricultural outputs against weather extremes remains untested. Here, we evaluate whether increasing the diversity of crop portfolios at the country level confers greater resistance to a country’s overall yield and revenues against losses to droughts and high temperatures. To do this, we use 58 years of annual data on weather, crop yields and agricultural revenues for 109 crops in 127 countries. We use the spatial distribution of each crop and their cropping cycle to determine their exposure to weather events. We find that growing greater crop diversity within countries reduces the negative impacts of droughts and high temperatures on agricultural outputs. For drought, our results suggest that the effect is explained not only by crop diversity itself, but also by the sensitivity of the most abundant crops (in terms of harvested areas) to this extreme. Countries dedicating more land to minor, drought-tolerant crops reduce the average sensitivity of country-scale crop portfolios and show greater resistance of yield and revenues to drought. Our study highlights the unexploited potential for putting crop biodiversity to work for greater resilience to weather, specifically in poorer developing countries that are likely to suffer disproportionately from climate change impacts.

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