
Customer relationship management (CRM) has been applied widely, especially in high customer interaction level industries. The system helps companies improve customer knowledge as well as customer interaction, so, they can satisfy customer`s demand better and keep customer stay with them longer. Banking industry is a high customer interacting industry, which has applied the CRM broadly. Perceiving the benefit of the CRM in banking business, many Vietnam domestic banks have been applying, constructing this system. However, most of them are just planning of implementing it, with shortage of experience. A general methodology for them as reference is necessary. This research exploits actual experience of the banks` CRM system foundation and implementation to develop a generic method. With the mature of Taiwanese financial market and globalization trend in the world, many Taiwan banks have expanded abroad recently. Almost of them focus on emerging market or market where there are many Taiwanese customers. And with the fact that the CRM can efficiently and effectively increase their profitability, these banks can consider implementing this system in their abroad branches. Coming from Vietnam, a market with a lot of Taiwanese investors and to be opening to multinational banks, researcher is also eager for defining a method for Taiwan bank to implement the CRM system in Vietnam. Researcher consider cloud computing, one achievement of information technology application capability in building cross country CRM foundation and implementation model

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