
Companies are becoming more focused on customers and on new ways to approach them individually. Mobile technologies and Web 2.0 have been pushing companies to evolve in this area. This research is focused on the way Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are used, on a European level, by recruiting companies to assist candidates in finding a satisfactory job. A framework is presented to identify how CRM 2.0 and mCRM (mobile CRM) can help candidates to find jobs in a personalized way. A set of four hypotheses have been defined. To gain a better understanding of these CRM systems, the methodology used in the exploratory study was quantitative, employing a non-probabilistic sampling technique, with 35 recruiting agencies being studied. Results showed that the use of software in recruiting agencies is quite common and that CRM 2.0 is present in the vast majority of the studied companies. When it comes to mobile CRM, there's still much to be explored in this channel, as agencies focus their resources on Web 2.0, leaving this channel's great potential of mobile CRM unused.

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