
Powerelationships in network society: emergence, nomadism and digital colectives. This research belongs to Graduate Program of Communication Sciences in School of Arts at University of Sao Paulo/Brazil. The study deals about the emergence of reputation's criteria on a collaborative mediated work a collective text written by graduate students of Graduated Program of Communication Sciences in School of Arts and Communication from University of Sao Paulo/ Brazil. The students were taking part at a discipline named Building Virtual Learning Communities and Practice being offered on the graduated program since 2001. Exploratory and longitudinal, this study adopted an etnographic perspective through quantitative methods (surveys) and qualitative methods testimonys and participant observation. The results are pointting to the emergence of the following reputation's criteria: a) student's motivation and envolvement in the collaborative work b) the influence of digital literacy c) the influence of contigencial's factors like profile, charisma, and trust by the other students during the collaborative work.

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