
In this technical report, we focus on reproducing the results reported in the paper MemXCT: Memory-Centric X-ray CT Reconstruction with Massive Parallelization. MemXCT is a scalable approach to X-ray Computed Tomography reconstruction which removes redundant computation. We reproduced the single CPU/GPU performance as well as strong scaling experiments. We set up our congurations on Microsoft Azure CycleCloud and have two clusters. One cluster has 4 nodes with 60 CPUs on each node and the other cluster has 4 nodes with 4 NVIDIA V100 GPUs on each node. Both clusters come with InniBand. The original author conducted his experiments on Theta and Blue Waters supercomputers. We were able to reproduce part of the results in the original paper, however, failed to produce similar performance on other experiments. This report was submitted as part of the reproducibility challenge in SC20 Student Cluster Competition.

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