
The old legal tradition of great / heavy reliance on theoretical legal learning appeared hitherto the order of the day in Nigeria. Learning is a continuous process and education is crucial for the passing of knowledge. Contemporarily, one of the most effective methods of passing impactful legal education more effectively is vide Clinical Legal Education (CLE). CLE was introduced into the Nigeria legal education space as a result of the fact that learning in law faculties was essentially by the archaic (rote method) of teaching, passing on few skills and inculcating no worthwhile values. A significant upshot of CLE is the operation of law clinics. These law clinics serve as a bridge between the classroom and legal practices. Apart from law students put into practical action on what they have learned in the classroom, they also help the students to serve as a bastion of legal aid for the legally disadvantaged by offering paralegal supports to a greater extent. This paper examines the role and significance of law clinics in CLE, with particular focus on the University of Ilorin Legal Aid Clinic. Through a doctrinal examination of the activities of the law clinic and its achievements, the paper finds that law clinics do in fact contribute immensely to the actualization of the goals of CLE. The paper further interrogates the challenges that militate against the operation of law clinics and CLE in Nigeria and offers recommendations on how they can be resolved. It is found that there is the urgent need to ensure practical implementation of the mainstreaming of CLE in Nigerian law faculties to keep pace with international best practices for the development of the legal profession in Nigeria.

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