
It is possible that crisis was a normal mode of existence for the Russian intelligentsia, but even if this were so, there can hardly have been another period in its history when the word sprang so readily to the lips of both its defenders and detractors than in the years 1907–10. From the Black Hundred right to the anarchist left there came claims that there was an intelligentsia crisis, a crisis of the revolution, a crisis in Marxism and a religious crisis. All these crises were inextricably linked with the thought of the intelligentsia and there was at this time criticism of the intelligentsia as a whole from outside its ranks, and a movement towards revaluation of its presuppositions and goals from within.KeywordsRussian SocietySocialist MovementRussian RevolutionRussian PeopleRussian IntelligentsiaThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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