
We examined Twitter data using thematic analysis to understand public perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on incarcerated people and reactions to including incarcerated populations in the early phases of the vaccine rollout. Our findings from n = 513 Tweets yielded six themes: Twitter as usual, Advocacy, Deserve to suffer, Vaccine priority debate, Inadequate response, and Misinformation. Stigma-laden statements cut across themes, highlighting the role pathologizing beliefs play in forming opinions about incarcerated people in public health crises. Trust of government response and buy-in to public health communication are positively associated with adherence to guidelines. Although public health decisions are derived from logic and research, our findings indicate that public perception may be driven by personal morals and stigma associated with justice-involved individuals. We recommend that attention be turned toward effective policy messaging, and use of social media, to increase trust and decrease stigma that tends to dominate societal perception.

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