
We study the O(2) model with Z_{4}-symmetric perturbations within the framework of the nonperturbative renormalization group (RG) for spatial dimensionality d=2 and 3. In a unified framework we resolve the relatively complex crossover behavior emergent due to the presence of multiple RG fixed points. In d=3 the system is controlled by the XY, Ising, and low-T fixed points in the presence of a dangerously irrelevant anisotropy coupling λ. In d=2 the anisotropy coupling is marginal and the physical picture is governed by the interplay between two distinct lines of RG fixed points, giving rise to nonuniversal critical behavior, and an isolated Ising fixed point. In addition to inducing crossover behavior in universal properties, the presence of the Ising fixed point yields a generic, abrupt change of critical temperature at a specific value of the anisotropy field.

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