
Nuclear-pumped laser can directly convert nuclear energy to optical energy. A coupled reactor which consists of two pulse cores with highly enriched metallic uranium and a subcritical thermal laser module with highly enriched metallic uranium is one of the reactors for nuclear-pumped laser. In this paper, criticality analysis of a coupled reactor which consists of pulse cores with 20% enriched metallic uranium and a subcritical thermal laser module with 20% enriched metallic uranium was performed by Monte Carlo calculation. The result of criticality analysis showed the following three points. First, a coupled reactor with 20% enriched metallic uranium can achieve criticality. Second, using eight pulse cores in axial direction is effective to achieve flattened axial power distribution in the laser module. Third, less than 20% of the energy released from fissions in the whole coupled reactor has the possibility to be converted to optical energy for a coupled reactor with 100% enriched uranium, and less than 7% for a coupled reactor with 20% enriched uranium.

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