
Critical transitions can be conceptualized as abrupt shifts in the state of a system typically induced by changes in the system's critical parameter. They have been observed in a variety of systems across many scientific disciplines including physics, ecology, and social science. Because critical transitions are important to such a diverse set of systems it is crucial to understand what parts of a system drive and shape the transition. The underlying network structure plays an important role in this regard. In this paper, we investigate how changes in a network's degree sequence impact the resilience of a networked system. We find that critical transitions in degree mixed networks occur in general sooner than in their degree homogeneous counterparts of equal average degree. This relationship can be expressed with parabolic curves that describe how the tipping point changes when the nodes of an initially homogeneous degree network composed only of nodes with degree k1 are replaced by nodes of a different degree k2. These curves mark clear tipping boundaries for a given degree mixed network and thus allow the identification of possible tipping intersections and forbidden tipping regions when comparing networks with different degree sequences.

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