
Critical thinking ability is a higher thinking ability that must be developed. This study used quantitative descriptive method aimed to describe the critical thinking appraisal scale profile of college students that will become biology teachers. This study was conducted on 131 students of Biology Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. The instrument used was a questionnaire that referred to Watson Glaser. The results of the study showed a medium category (3.26) for the indicator of making conclusion, a medium category (3.28) for the indicator of assumption recognition, a high category (3.53) for the indicator of making deduction, a medium category (3.32) for the indicator of making interpretation, and a medium category (3.18) for the indicator of argument evaluation. Overall, the critical thinking scale of Biology Education students belonged to medium category. The batch with the highest score of critical thinking was the 2016 batch with a score of 3.31. Meanwhile, the batch with the lowest score of critical thinking was the 2018 batch with a score of 3.16.

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