
This chapter explores the critical thinking and effective communication skills in security domains both for educational and professional settings. The literature shows the gap among research, learning goals, teaching, and practice of critical thinking and effective communication skills in education and training. So, this study aims to create a starting guidance document to improve these skills in security domains with a direct approach. This study conceptualizes these skills as shown in the literature and shows the barriers as well as strategies to prevent barriers for critical thinking and effective communication developments. Also, it provides examples to teach these skills in security domains by asking appropriate questions, using selected red teaming techniques, and discussing recommendations for effective communication. This study asserts that direct approaches to teaching and applying critical thinking and effective communication skills may be more productive than indirect approaches in education and practice. Also, the chapter argues that supporting direct strategies by providing required resources to faculty and professionals in the field is an essential step for effective teaching of these skills. Further studies are encouraged to provide specific and practical examples to develop critical thinking and effective communication skills in subfields of security domains.

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