
Information Systems (IS) development for government is prone to failure, which also happened to the development of Administration and Credit Information Systems (Sistem Informasi Pengadministrasian dan Angka Kredit or SIPARKIT) by the ICT unit at Finance Education and Training Agency (BPPK), Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia. This study investigates the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of the SIPARKIT to determine the priority of each CSF. These factors were identified from the literature and interviewed with SIPARKIT development team and experts in IS project management. The CSFs were then ranked using pair wise comparison questionnaire by the IS development team and high rank ICT officers. The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results show that business process re-engineering and system integration are the most important factor for the success of IS development. Other CSFs are project plan and schedule, team skills, competencies, and composition, top management support, and politics within the organization, communication, leadership, performance assessment, and knowledge management. Interviews with top management were also conducted to support the analysis results.

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