
Internet has undeniably benefited human society as a whole and has become the fulcrum of every sector across the globe. Cyberspace, a borderless world, has thrown various challenges which need to be maneuvered with care and caution as the future belongs to internet and information age. The research article projects light on the problems of protection of- copyright in the information age. Infringement of copyright in cyberspace has become very ordinary. Copyright can be infringed in cyberspace through multiple ways; the study discusses the problem caused by hyperlinking in form of deep-linking, inlining and framing. These types of linking violates the exclusive rights of owners of copyright which makes it imperative to strike a balance in usage of linking to promote freedom of information and protection of copyrights.The researcher adopted a doctrinal method to conduct this research. It tends to analyse the legislative stand on hyper linking in India.

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