
We carry out constant volume simulations of steady-state shear-driven rheology in a simple model of bidisperse soft-core frictionless disks in two dimensions, using a dissipation law that gives rise to Bagnoldian rheology. We discuss in detail the critical scaling ansatz for the shear-driven jamming transition and carry out a detailed scaling analysis of our resulting data for pressure p and shear stress σ. Our analysis determines the critical exponent β that describes the algebraic divergence of the Bagnold transport coefficients lim_{γ[over ̇]→0}p/γ[over ̇]^{2},σ/γ[over ̇]^{2}∼(ϕ_{J}-ϕ)^{-β} as the jamming transition ϕ_{J} is approached from below. For the low strain rates considered in this work, we show that it is still necessary to consider the leading correction-to-scaling term in order to achieve a self-consistent analysis of our data, in which the critical parameters become independent of the size of the window of data used in the analysis. We compare our resulting value β≈5.0±0.4 against previous numerical results and competing theoretical models. Our results confirm that the shear-driven jamming transition in Bagnoldian systems is well described by a critical scaling theory and we relate this scaling theory to the phenomenological constituent laws for dilatancy and friction.

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