
In this review article, a complete review on the generation of bioenergy from various anaerobic reactors was highlighted with respect to the slaughterhouse waste (SHW). The necessity of generation of the bioenergy and an overview of the treatment efficiency of various anaerobic reactor was discussed and also their performance efficiency was also addressed in detail. Ultimately this review facilitates that state-of-art knowledge in production of electrical energy from generated biogas from the slaughterhouse solid and liquid wastewater with respect to all kind of anaerobic reactors. Moreover, this review also highlights the factors which affects the biogas production in slaughterhouse industry. The biogas generation from the SHW is assessed as 16,026 million m3/year. Based on this study finding SHW have high potential to generate the bioelectricity production. This study finds that bioelectricity generation from SHW was around 62,808✕106 kWh/year, which contributing the 27% of the total electricity requirement of Iran. The generation of bioelectricity from SHW saves the greenhouse gas emission of about 4096✕103 tonnes of CO2-eq/year. Similarly, in 2016 USA slaughterhouse industries discharged 18.4 million metric tons of SHW, which has generated the 22.7✕109 kWh of bioelectricity. This review paper provides the valuable insights and data to the policy makers to frame the sustainable long-term energy policy by considering the SHW as a case study.

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