
Asthma is known as reactive airway disease. This hyperresponsiveness manifests itself as bronchoconstriction following exercise, on natural exposure to strong as irritant fumes such as sulphur dioxide, tobacco smoke or cold air and an intentional exposure in the laboratory to inhalations of histamine or parasympathamimetic agent such as methacholine. In Ayurveda it can be correlated with Tamaka Shwasa. Tamaka Shwasa is one of the diseases where Nidana parivarjana and samprati vighatana plays an important role. The detailed study of Nidana panchaka is helpful in better understanding of the disease and for the proper treatment. As Kapha and Vata are the pre-dominant Doshas, so the medicines and the dietetic regimen which controls the Kapha and Vata due to their Ushna guna and are Vata- anulomaka in action must be utilized in the treatment of Shwasa roga. While The patient with Kapha and Vata dominance and of strong build should be given Samshodhan therapy i.e. vaman & Virechana.
 Keywords: Tamaka Shwasa, Shwasa roga, Samshodhana, Asthma.


  • Tamaka Shwasa is one of the five verities of Shwasa roga, explained in almost all the classics of Ayurveda

  • Acharya Charaka explained that Tamaka Shwasa gets aggravated when one is exposed to cloudy atmosphere, cold water, cold weather, and wind blowing from eastern direction, Kapha aggravating food and regimen.[5]

  • Vijayarakshita the commentator of Madhava Nidana explained as “Shwasastu bastrikadmana samavatordhwa gamitha iti” i.e. in Shwasa roga the expired air produces sound similar to the sound of below of blacksmith.[6]

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Tamaka Shwasa is one of the five verities of Shwasa roga, explained in almost all the classics of Ayurveda. Acharya Charaka has given the guidance for better management of TamakaShwasa i.e shodhana followed by shamana Chikitsa, should be done in Balavan and Kaphadika patients, where as shamana and tarpana should be done in Durbala and Vatadhika patients As it is an episodic disease and yapya it is difficult to cure. But avoiding the causative factors may be difficult in children because they are more susceptible for allergens, upper respiratory tract infections, dust and exercise during play works and many are allergic to variety of foods etc. Foods and drinks having Ushna guna, which acts as Kapha Vatagna and Vatanulomana, should be administered to the Tamaka Shwasa patient.[13] The vitiated Doshas can be treated with following methods of treatments

Kaphakara and Vatahara chikista
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