
Sampling techniques are the component of research which play great role in validity of the research result. Without good sampling good research conduction is impossible. It has two major types namely probability and non probability sampling. The probability sampling consists of simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and multi stage sampling while in non probability sampling quota sampling, cluster sampling, purpose sampling, judgment sampling, snow ball sampling, expert sampling and convenience samplings are included Seeing to its importance the present study was arranged since, 8th April, 2020. The major objective was that to critically review the sampling techniques in the research process in the world. Total 14 articles were studied and analyzed the situation what methodology is better for conducting research. Hundred percent respondents told that the probability sampling is better than the non probability sampling for conducting research but this methodology is more expensive and time consuming which further delay the result of the study while the non probability sampling is not more expensive and time consuming in the world but its result is doubtful and does not mostly valid for implementation of generalization for population from which the sample has been selected. The result further explore that both methodologies have different advantages on their places but it is necessary for researchers to use proper methodology for their research and analyze the situation for the solution of problems. Research is a systematic and objective attempt for the solution of the problems which play great role for the development of a country and without good research the development of the country is impossible. Now a day the weighted economies of the world are China, America, India and Japan. They all conduct research for the development of their economy enhancement. The developed countries keep large funds for their research and they mostly use the probability sampling for their research because they have more funds, so their sampling representation is better than the poor countries of the world. They solve their problems of the economy very well and they arrange good projects for enhancing their economy. So the study shows that quality sampling play great role in the development of the countries. On the basis of problems the study recommends that to arrange more funds for their research; Mostly use probability sampling for their research because only quality research enhance the economy; Quality sampling is required for generalization of the problem. Proper sampling only gives valid result for the problem of population. The author also recommends that to use good and best sampling in the educational institutions for conducting their student research; Good funds by HEC is required for conducting quality research in the educational institution of the world; Research ethics in the institution is also a good tool for conducting quality research; Fake and plagiarized sample should be avoided in the institution for conducting research; Fake research never develop the world. Good expert team should be appointed by University for sampling their student research. Without good research the development of a world is impossible while for quality research proper sampling is the need of the world.

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