
Drawing on our experience of creating an innovative co-edited book form, we consider the risks and possibilities of experimentation in high-stakes writing and editorial work. Writing and editing conventions that value parsimony, individuality and objectivity can result in sparse writing styles that disconnect authors from their texts. In applied disciplines, such as Education, academic writing can be a barrier to communication with practitioners and fail to connect research to practice. To foster a connection, academics, educators, practitioners and alumni were grouped to undertake dialogue-centred collaborative writing about equitable engagement in global citizenship education. We found that “critical and liberating dialogue” (Freire, 1993, p. 39) in this third space (Bhabha, 1994) challenged dominant writing conventions, and invited critical consideration of liminalities beyond the self as writing became linked to knowing differently. With large parts presented in dialogue format, our article reflects on the editorial challenges and pleasures of fostering dialogic, collaborative writing for equity.

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