
By means of free fermionic techniques combined with multiple precision arithmetic we study the time evolution of the average magnetization, , of the random transverse-field Ising chain after global quenches. We observe different relaxation behaviors for quenches starting from different initial states to the critical point. Starting from a fully ordered initial state, the relaxation is logarithmically slow described by , and in a finite sample of length L the average magnetization saturates at a size-dependent plateau here the two exponents satisfy the relation . Starting from a fully disordered initial state, the magnetization stays at zero for a period of time until with and then starts to increase until it saturates to an asymptotic value , with . For both quenching protocols, finite-size scaling is satisfied in terms of the scaled variable . Furthermore, the distribution of long-time limiting values of the magnetization shows that the typical and the average values scale differently and the average is governed by rare events. The non-equilibrium dynamical behavior of the magnetization is explained through semi-classical theory.

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