
The aim of this contribution is to draw attention to some recent developments in the theory of critical phenomena and phase transitions that may be of interest to the magnetism community in that magnetic systems have provided a fertile testing ground for modern theoretical ideas concerning ordering and phase transitions while, on the other hand, many aspects of observed magnetic phase behavior have required sophisticated theory for their proper elucidation. The new works in question have been published or will appear shortly: accordingly, only an outline is presented here together with references to the main literature sources which, in turn, include fuller references to earlier work not explicitly mentioned. Four linked topics are addressed: (i) finite-size effects at first-order transitions; (ii) asymptotic degeneracy in transfer matrices, which is intimately related to long-range order; (iii) some consequences of the conformal covariance of fluctuations at a critical point in bulk and in finite systems, especially in two spatial dimensions; (iv) the discovery of ‘‘exactly soluble’’ two-dimensional models exhibiting two infinite classes of distinct critical and multicritical points.

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