
Clearly, in nature, but also in technological applications, complex systems built in an entirely ordered and regular fashion are the exception rather than the rule. In this thesis we explore how critical phenomena are influenced by quenched spatial randomness. Specifically, we consider physical systems undergoing a continuous phase transition in the presence of topological disorder, where the underlying structure, on which the system evolves, is given by a non-regular, discrete lattice. We therefore endeavour to achieve a thorough understanding of the interplay between collective dynamics and quenched randomness. According to the intriguing concept of universality, certain laws emerge from collectively behaving many-body systems at criticality, almost regardless of the precise microscopic realization of interactions in those systems. As a consequence, vastly different phenomena show striking similarities at their respective phase transitions. In this dissertation we pursue the question of whether the universal properties of critical phenomena are preserved when the system is subjected to topological perturbations. For this purpose, we perform numerical simulations of several prototypical systems of statistical physics which show a continuous phase transition. In particular, the equilibrium spin-1/2 Ising model and its generalizations represent -- among other applications -- fairly natural approaches to model magnetism in solids, whereas the non-equilibrium contact process serves as a toy model for percolation in porous media and epidemic spreading. Finally, the Manna sandpile model is strongly related to the concept of self-organized criticality, where a complex dynamic system reaches a critical state without fine-tuning of external variables. Our results reveal that the prevailing understanding of the influence of topological randomness on critical phenomena is insufficient. In particular, by considering very specific and newly developed lattice structures, we are able to show that -- contrary to the popular opinion -- spatial correlations in the number of interacting neighbours are not a key measure for predicting whether disorder ultimately alters the behaviour of a given critical system.

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