
A computerized solution to certain problems of project management, specifically, resource scheduling and resource allocation, is presented. The problem of completing a project with some quantitative combination of resources may be solved through simulation. A diagrammatic model of the project or facility, a resource simulator and a computer are used to solve the problem. The question “What if I…?” must be answered quickly, accurately and easily if project planning and scheduling are to be effective. A Critical Path Schedule is a minimum time solution which does not consider the quantity and availability of resources during each day of the project. It is, therefore, generally inadequate for day to day project management. Through resource simulation and scheduling, this deficiency may be corrected. The computer can prepare several solutions to the problem. The schedule which best meets management's project cost and project duration objectives is selected for actual use. The resource simulator is no substitute for competent management. The traditional requirements of project definition and objectives still exist. The simulator simply makes the most effective use of resources and produces a realistic work schedule.

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