
AbstractThe usefulness of soil phosphorus (P) tests used in routine soil analyses is limited by the fact that a single measurement cannot encompass all P‐related factors potentially affecting plant performance. In this work, we performed micropot (15 mL) experiments to test the hypothesis that the predictive value of two common soil P tests (Olsen P and CaCl2‐P) can be improved by considering properties commonly measured in laboratory analyses. Forty‐nine sets of soils ranging widely in properties were used for this purpose, each set consisting of samples with similar properties but differing in P status. Ryegrass and turnip were grown in a chamber for 30 days in two separate experiments and their yields at harvest recorded. The critical Olsen P and CaCl2‐P levels, which were taken to be those corresponding to 95% asymptotic yield as calculated from data fitted to a Mitscherlich equation, were greater for turnip than for ryegrass, probably as a result of the difference in yield (49 and 160 mg dry matter/micropot on average for ryegrass and turnip, respectively) and hence in P requirements between the two species. Critical Olsen P spanned narrower ranges than critical CaCl2‐P in both crops and is therefore seemingly the more robust of the two tests. Both critical P values exhibited moderate correlations with soil properties. Thus, critical Olsen P was (a) lower in soils with a medium pH – which is consistent with the fact that the bicarbonate solution method tends to overestimate plant‐available P in strongly acid and calcareous soils; (b) positively correlated with pH and carbonate content in calcareous soils; and (c) uncorrelated with soil properties in noncalcareous soils. On the other hand, critical CaCl2‐P in some soil groups was negatively correlated with some properties increasing the P buffering capacity of soil (e.g. Fe oxide content). Taken together, our results suggest that routinely measured soil properties help to predict critical Olsen P better than critical CaCl2‐P.

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