
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science of India. The roots of many concepts of modern medicine are deep seated in Ayurveda. Genetics is one such concept which has its roots in Ayurveda. The word ‘Gene’ probably have developed from the word ’Genesis’ which in turn might have evolved from the Sanskrit word ‘Janana’ which literally means to produce medicine. Ayurveda also says that as per the maternal and paternal genetic influence during embryogenesis, organs with maternal and paternal make up shapes up. Ayurveda is of the view that during this process of embryogenesis, if any part of the Beeja (zygote) gets affected, then the genetic abnormality of that part is noticed in later life. Prakriti (Typical body types) is one such concept which is genetically determined during the process of embryogenesis. In Ayurveda, hereditary disorders are referred to as “Adibala Pravrutta Vikara”. The eight undesired body types, mentioned in Ayurveda such as Ati Deergha (Long stature), Ati Hrasva (Short stature), Ati Sthula (Hereditary obesity), Ati Krusha (Hereditary leanness), Ati Gaura (Hereditary Albinism), Ati Krushna (Hereditary Hypermelanosis), Ati Loma (Hereditary Hypertrichosis), A Loma (Hereditary Hypotrichosis) may be categorized under Adibala Pravrutta Vikaras. (Hereditary Diseases). The present study aims to study the concept of eight undesired body types with respect to their genetic inheritance in the light of modern medical advances in genetics. It is observed and concluded that the concept of genetics is very well mentioned in Ayurveda and the eight undesired body types have genetic predisposition.

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