
Non-exponential slow dynamics in the `Griffiths phase' of the three-dimensional (3D) ± J Ising spin-glass model is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation. The distribution of relaxation times averaged over samples, \bar P ( x ) with x = lnτ, is calculated from spin auto-correlation functions simulated. It is found that \bar P ( x ) consists of two branches. The cross-over value between the branches, x c , diverges as T → T c , T c being the spin-glass transition temperature. Therefore τ c (= e x c ) is regarded as the critical relaxation time associated with the onset of the spin-glass order at T c , and the branch of \bar P ( x ) at x x c causes the unusual slow dynamics peculiar to spin glasses. Various aspects of \bar P ( x ) of this branch examined are consistent with the following picture; compact regions with less frustrations than the system as a whole are thermally fluctuating ...

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