
Anthropogenic climate change leads to localised stresses in the forms of coastal erosion, ice melt, infertile land, deteriorating water sources,etc. that threaten vulnerable societies without the capabilities of adaption and resilience. The Utter materialistic life-style in United States has emitted massive volume of greenhouse gases since a long time engendering a sharp declining tendency in rainfall and other calamities in its southwest spreading over a larger geo-climatic region including the retarded ecology of adjoining Mexico. The increasing frequency and economic losses from natural disasters along with decreasing agricultural prices is crucial in increasing poverty in Mexican rural economy.Obviously Mexico has a long history of tranborder migration. In the post 9/11 scenario, the fate of such wretched ‘humans’ depends largely on the whims of the fanatic border patrol volunteers active in United States-Mexico border. The citizens of a bordered territory are entitled to fundamental rights which their fellow human beings, the irregular migrants, can never be provided.Normal practice of border vigil is not fully controlled by the state or elites. The goal of border patrol activists is not to suspend the law, but rather to upheld it more vigorously and rectify neglect of the law to ensure the return to a ‘normal’ situation, as perceived by them. Ultimately this exceptional act tends to be routinized and perceived as normal. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change does not have any provision of protection to numerous affected poor people of less developed world.Geneva Convention does not confer refugee status for environmental persecution.The victimised populations are forced to migrate to join the reserve army of labour in foreign countries and get entrapped in new conflicts and crises. An internationally agreed measure of ecological debt would clarify 'over-polluting' countries’ contribution towards climate change-enforced human vulnerabilities.

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