
The Critical Care Resource Nurse Team (CCRNT) evolved from our traditional Rapid Response Team (RRT). The CCRNT is a unique paradigm created using the conceptual framework of the American Association of Critical Care Nursing Synergy Model for Patient Care. The goal of the CCRNT is to help align nurse competencies with patient needs. This team was seen as a much-needed strong clinical support by nursing leadership as large numbers of inexperienced new graduate registered nurses were hired and senior experienced nurses were leaving the workforce. The CCRNT supports 24/7 RRT, Code Blue, Code Stroke, Emergency Airway Response Team, Early Warning System, Medical Emergency Team, simulation team training, and bedside nurse support and mentoring. Coverage expanded from inpatient medical/surgical areas to all areas of the medical center and included hospital-wide initiatives. The focus for the CCRNT changed to a system-wide nursing and patient safety model to improve practice and intervene in near-miss events. This model improved communication between disciplines, provided critical surveillance of at-risk patients, supported patient safety with a significant decrease in patient mortality, and offered a 24/7 expert critical care nurse resource team for staff.

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