
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is a consistent presentation of haemorrhagic stroke of significance to clinicians in neurocritical care, inducing consequent effects on non-neurological systems, while at the same time, rendering the brain vulnerable to secondary physiological insult modifying neurological outcome, despite control of the original point of haemorrhage. Coordinated treatment depends on comprehensive evaluation of both cerebral and systemic physiology, identifying and treating impaired function. The presence of a dedicated neurocritical care team can benefit outcome. Protocols of care have evolved to meet evidence-based challenges, discarding potentially deleterious components of hypervolaemia and haemodilution, while maintaining pressure-guided perfusion. Treatment targets have also evolved with a shift in focus away from SAH-associated vasospasm, towards actual ischaemic outcome - illustrated by lack of effectiveness of pharmaceutical treatments of vasospasm. Clinicians must consequently review pathophysiological mechanisms of injury and devise new treatment opportunities.

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