
Dramatic changes have occurred in the area of critical care and emergency stroke treatments of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). New data from three sponsored clinical trials: STICH (British National Health System-Medical Research Council), NOVO Seven (Novonordisk), and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) clot lysis (FDA Orphan Drug Program)1 were presented at the 29th International Stroke Meeting2 and the World Stroke Congress. Several avenues of approach to the problem of ICH are opening. Although the data from these trials are now under peer review, the initial presentations have demonstrated several principles that seem clear. First, craniotomy (though not better than initial medical management) is safe and not worse than initial medical management. Second, deterioration occurs frequently (≈25% of the time) in the initial days after ICH. Deterioration was treated with surgery. Third, a strategy of emergent clot stabilization is safe and shows trends toward efficacy in the NOVO Seven dose finding study.2 Finally, catheter-assisted removal of blood clot from the obstructed ventricular system in IVH can be accomplished safely with low dose recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA).3 These trial results suggest that the basic elements of aneurysm care are now being applied to ICH care: emergent stabilization of the bleeding site, followed by removal of blood and management of cranial vault mechanics. Data are now beginning to support that applying these principles leads to improvement in mortality and morbidity. We hope that the robustness of the peer-reviewed data continues to point to the value of emergent intervention for the ICH patient. New sponsored trials have already started: CLEAR IVH, a phase IIb dose optimization trial directed at finding the best dose of rtPA to rapidly remove blood from the ventricles (FDA Orphan drug program)4; MISTIE, an NIH sponsored phase II safety study of minimally invasive surgery plus …

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