
The critical behaviour of a semi-infinite system with O(n) spin symmetry is investigated using four techniques: (i) mean-field theory, (ii) exact solution for n= infinity , (iii) the epsilon expansion, and (iv) scaling arguments. The surface equation of state is computed using mean-field theory, and the four phase transitions defined by Lubensky and Rubin, the 'ordinary', 'surface', 'extraordinary', and ' lambda = infinity ' ('special') transitions, are identified. The first three may be observed in the bulk system by adding a suitable 'surface' perturbation which destroys translational invariance. Scaling arguments give their critical exponents exactly in terms of bulk exponents. Critical exponents for the ' lambda = infinity ' transition are determined for n= infinity and also to O( epsilon ). Spin-spin correlation functions at T=Tc for the 'ordinary', 'extraordinary' and ' lambda = infinity ' transitions are calculated exactly for n= infinity .

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