
Cr1/3NbS2 is a unique example of a hexagonal chiral helimagnet with high crystalline anisotropy, and has generated growing interest for a possible magnetic field control of the incommensurate spin spiral. Here, we construct a comprehensive phase diagram based on detailed magnetization measurements of a high quality single crystal of Cr1/3NbS2 over three magnetic field regions. An analysis of the critical properties in the forced ferromagnetic region yields 3D Heisenberg exponents β = 0.3460 ± 0.040, γ = 1.344 ± 0.002, and TC = 130.78 K ± 0.044, which are consistent with the localized nature the of Cr3+ moments and suggest short-range ferromagnetic interactions. We exploit the temperature and magnetic field dependence of magnetic entropy change (ΔSM) to accurately map the nonlinear crossover to the chiral soliton lattice regime from the chiral helimagnetic phase. Our observations in the low field region are consistent with the existence of chiral ordering in a temperature range above the Curie temperature, TC < T < T*, where a first-order transition has been previously predicted. An analysis of the universal behavior of ΔSM(T,H) experimentally demonstrates for the first time the first-order nature of the onset of chiral ordering.


  • Critical Behavior.It is well known, according to Landau theory of second-order phase transitions[27, 28], that the order parameter is small in the vicinity of the critical temperature

  • In case of the monoaxial chiral helimagnetic (CHM), Cr1/3NbS2, we found that at magnetic fields above the critical field for the IC-C phase transition, a second-order transition to an FFM state occurs at TC

  • As observed in previous studies, a sharp kink occurs at the onset of chiral ordering, which broadens and shifts toward lower temperatures with an increase in applied magnetic field[14, 17, 34]

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Critical Behavior.It is well known, according to Landau theory of second-order phase transitions[27, 28], that the order parameter is small in the vicinity of the critical temperature. To confirm the nature of the paramagnetic to FFM phase transition and to verify the correct value of TC, critical exponents were calculated for H = 1–30 kOe. The field range for the analysis is restricted to the FFM region of the phase diagram, which ensures the validity of the magnetic equation of state.

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