
Background: Sandhigata Vata in Ayurveda is the most common type of lifestyle disorder whose symptoms mimic Osteoarthritis in conventional medicine. Ayurveda is the evergreen science of medicine and has been showering its valuable treasures to mankind since our emergence, still the same is continue with more and more global support. Since this medical science treats on the whole it differs and occupies its special place to other medical branches which give attention to presenting signs and symptoms of the patients. The affection of Sandhi by vitiated Vata, the chief phenomenon in the Samprapti of Sandhigata Vata which is one of the types of Marma and forms a part of Madhyam Roga Marga thus the involvement of Marma, Madhyam Roga Marga, Vata Dosha, and Dhatu Kshaya make disease Kasthta Sadhya. Aim and objective: To review the encore classical knowledge about Sandhigata Vata Material and Methods: The review is based on a critical analysis of the information collected from Bruhattrayi, Laghutrai, Nighantu, various textbooks of Panchakarma, multiple research articles from databases e.g. Pubmed, Google scholar; various P.G.& Ph.D. thesis. Result and observations: The compiled information is critically discussed under different heads such as the Etymology of Sandhi-Gata-Vata, historical Glimpses of Sandigata Vata From Classical Texts Of Ayurveda, Etiology of Sandhigata Vata(Hetu), Purva Roopa, Rupa, Upshaya, Samprapti, Sadhya Asadhyata, Chikitsa Siddhanta of SandhigataVata (Treatment modalities). Discussion: SandhigataVata is a diseased condition in which vitiated Vata affects “Sandhi’. Nidan (predisposing causes), first acts on Dosha and vitiates them, the vitiated Dosha, in turn, acts on Dushya i.e Dhatus and causes disease. It can be well treated with the Panchkaarma procedure along with Snehana Swedana as a Poorvakarma. Conclusion: The increasing incidence and prevalence rate of Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis) can be minimized and the disease is halted in its early stages and the main stage to live a nice life with the help of various treatment modalities in Ayurveda.

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