
Current situation of COVID-19 pandemic demands for search literature about in Ayurveda to generate various preveative & treatment modalities to over come over it Considering this need, review regarding communicable disorders from available Ayurved literature was done extensively & elaborated under heads of concept of airborne communicable diseases in Ayurveda,its etiology, pathology & symptomatology with recommended various treatment measures given in Ayurvedascripctures It is observed that COVID-19 can be corelated with various Aoupasragic Rogas or Janapadodhwnasa Vyadhi which has similar symptomatology similar with Vata kapahaja Jwara Treatment modalieties of this Jwara & some preventives measures such as Davuavayapasharaya (spiritual practices like Homa, Havana & Yoga, Dhoopana), Yuktivyapashara (Dinachrya, Rutucharya, Vyayam, Ayurvedic drugs & herbs, Upakrama of detoxification, Rasayana Chikitsa, Dhoopana) & Satvajaya Chikitsa (Sadvrutta & Achara Rasayana) can be adopted in such condition © 2020, Institute of Medico-Legal Publications All rights reserved

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